jueves, noviembre 06, 2014



all i need is...A TIME MACHINE

Hey, what did I do?
Can't believe the fit I just threw
Wanted the reaction

I remember the words
How I said them, so they would hurt
But then, I regret my actions

If I could press rewind
Rewind the take, redefine the line
We make mistakes, take it back in time
Just one day, hey

So all I need is a time machine
A one way track 'cause
I'm taking it back, taking it back
All I want is a DeLorean
If I could go just like that
I'll be taking it back, taking it back

Yeah, who's laughing now?
Didn't think you'd actually go
Stupid, me and all my bitching

Second thoughts and regrets
Gonna alter leading your sets but then
This ain't science fiction

Robyn - Time Machine


sakatuko nuke REWIND deritzon botoia, atzeratzeko denboran eta beste garai batera joan nadin.
Egin hanka sartzeak desegin ditzan, sakatuko beharko litzateke rewind noizean behin eta denboran bidaiatzeko delorean kotxea erabili, M.J. foxek egin zuen lez pelikulan, eta astia kontrolatu nire nahian, eta nahi horrek dakarren poza sentitu nigan.
beraz, delorean da beharko nukeen bakarra, atzera joan egun batean eta dakidan guztia praktikan jarri albait hobekien. halandaze, iraganaz miatu, beldurrak uxatu eta gabaren erdian banengo, bada, askozaz hobe. astral bidai baten bidez nire nahiak nahiz beladurrak aireratzeko prest.